
sorry im dumb, jace is getting a little hysterical XD

She smiled faintly at his wordless thank you, it was weak but there never the less. The woman was tired, she had traveled a while to get here but she didn't let her fatigue show on her face or tinge her voice. She looked up as he sat besides her, dwarfing her with his larger figure like she was so used to from most males. Tan tipped tail flicked in amusement as the tirade of questions burst forth from the scarred man's mouth, and a more genuine smile flickered onto her face while she waited for him to finish, the wind caught at her hair and tugged the braids impatiently around.

"It is. As for how we are? I suppose we are fine, we're getting on okay, setting up on schedule and all the other bits and bobs relative to moving." She waved a hand carelessly in the air, and snorted, "The territory is just fucking perfect for those who would abandon their home at the drop of a leaf." The woman's head turned to stare with contempt out into the forest and brush, fur along her spine and hackles bristling angrily, the she wolf huffed and crossed her arms over her chest before turning to look at Jefferson.

"I never wanted to leave.." The female swallowed heavily and her voice sounded choked, ".. my first children were born and died here... I never wanted to leave." A single tear trickled down her white furred cheek, unnoticed by the female as she returned her gaze to their surroundings.

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