Home sweet home
She realised how much she had just killed the entire party when the man, Saluce got to his feet. She was sure he was going to just walk away from her and leave her to her own devices, not wanting to hear the complete fucked upness that was her life so therefore she wasn't expecting him to suddenly lean into her vision and stroke her hair. It made her flinch in surprise and pull away slightly. She got to her feet when he motioned for her to join him and looked out into the remnants of the old town that he lived in. She didn't think she could have ever lived here, Gemma disliked spending too much time in the company of large human things like houses and other buildings, they made her nervous.

Gemma looked at Saluce from the corner of her eye, he looked like he was having some kind of internal fight with himself. She didn't want to be caught staring at him so instead she leaned down and picked up one of the bottles of mine. Looking over the label and trying to decipher what it said. She was not very good at reading the human language but she knew a few words, however she sighed when she couldn't find anything she recognised on the bottle. She opened the bottle and sniffed at its contents, and closed her eyes. he loved the smell of wine and this one had survived the downfall of the humans. She reopened her eyes and looked again to Saluce,

"May I?" she said, indicating her wish to take a drink. It was only polote afterall that she ask permission to drink of his wine.

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