Home sweet home
Saluce nodded to her request as he sat down on the steps, leaving his own bottle behind him. For now he was just content to just sit here but if her mood deepened by the alcohol he’d probably run off to escape more depression. So he sat leaning against the railing, propping his legs up across the steps, and folding his arms on his lap as he looked up at her in that chair.

Nodding quietly he just let his own thoughts revolve around his head for the moment, eyes looking around from time to time, and then back up to the striking female.

“So what are you going to do? Sometimes life gives us obstacles to overcome, the journey so to speak Gemma. It’s what you do when given hard times that defines you.” He wouldn’t comment on his own troubles, and his own running away from issues. But where he was running away from happiness, since happiness had been taken from him at an early age, she was running from a world that seemed to be false now. He sighed heavily for a moment before continuing.

“Even if your father did those things, if he loved you and you have fond memories of him, then those are the memories you should cherish. You should also come to know his darker side too, understand it and make an effort to right any of his wrongs, out of love for him not out of guilt.”

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