wandering around
Slight pp tell me if you want it changed. WC:250

Rain heard the yell of a pup off in the distance. He had finally made it out of the god forsaken forest, him and his minx well and healthy. He had tried to release the kit back in the forest but she stayed with him and he often enjoyed the minxes company. Anke had grown on him and as she lay asleep in the fur bag he had made to carry her, he reached down and stroked her soft, deep brown fur. She snuggled down farther, enjoying his touch. He was close to another boarder though he didn't know what one. He heard the call again and went running.

He found a pup stuck in a rabbit hole, his leg stuck. "Hey... stop moving. Your going to break your leg. Here let me help you out," he said taking off his back pack and bags except for Anke's bag. He leaned down and grabbed the boy softly by his body and leaned him back to pull him out of the hole. "Let me check your leg ok. It looks like it is twisted a little," he said looking at the pups leg. He had twisted it but he would be ok if he stayed off it for a while. "You will be ok. Just stay off your ankle ok? he said smiling at the pup. He looked at the boy and smiled. "I'll carry you home if you need," he said standing and smiling as Anke poked her head out.

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