2 game wardens, 7 hunters and a cow...
http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/ ... table2.png);background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;">
Private for Lloni-face Smile, set on the 9th Smile Sorry if it's a bit rambly, it's late here and I tend to go on a bit when I'm a bit tired lol.

pushitinIt was a lazy dawn, the sun didn't seem in any hurry to rise, the sky was still and inky purple, the light beginning to creep up from the horizon, casting long shadows and bringing the woods to life. All around the trees were full of twittering and tweeting, song birds welcoming the new day, perpetually pleased to see the sun starting to rise it would seem. The moon was beginning to fade, the stretched grin melting away into the sky as it lightened, no doubt you wouldn't be able to see it for too much longer; as the blue tinged morning light would start to illuminate the land. Small animals were beginning to rise, ears twitched and eyes peered out of burrows. Pine needles caked the ground in a thick blanket and they began to rustle as small animals begain to creep about the forest floor, meandering about, looking for some morsel or other to eat as they moved around.
pushitinA much larger creature, too, was stirring, dark ears began to twitch as Soran was slowly roused from sleep. She had been in the woods for a time, she was still hiding here, close to Naniko, not too far a walk from her grandson, his mate and his children, she had decided it was a good neutral place to stay and hide while she waited for her thoughts to settle, while she worked out what to do. What could she do, these thoughts had been plaguing her all night, her talk with Lucia had not helped much, unfortunately the whirlwind myriad of her thoughts had proven too difficult to straighten out overnight, she had lain awake, watching the stars, listening to the wind blowing through the trees. Unable to work out what to do, wondering whether or not to join a pack, and if so, which pack, should she side with her former daughter in law, close enough to her heart to be her own child, or with her grandson, or should she look around for her son and other grandchildren? No doubt they would be scattered around here somewhere, in this land, they couldn't all have left.
pushitinThe obsidian fae stretched out her lithe limbs, she had slept in her wolven form, finding it much easier and comfortable to do so when she was sleeping outdoors, sometimes she longed for her old house, Syemv's manor where her children had been born, where she had had her own bedroom, with a real, soft feather bed. Now all that was left of it was a charred husk. Oh how she missed it, not only was it a more comfortable bed than the pine needle strewn ground between the large gnarled roots of a tree, but it had been a far more simple time. With a wide yawn that showed the jet fae's pink tongue and sharp white teeth, Soran rose, leaving her leather satchel against the tree root that she had used as a pillow. She padded towards the slow-flowing stream that crossed the forest nearby to where she had slept. She drank in the cool clear water, a jade eye resting on the form of a rabbit bouncing around, oblivious to her presence, just across the stream from where she stood.


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