sing a new song chiquitita
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Ohohhhh someone isn't happy >_> <33 :3

She was slow, but steady. Naniko took one step after another through the forest toward the sound that had jarred her from her rest. She was determined to make it out to the borderline to greet this newcomer whether anyone else got there first or not. If Teddy happened to show up there...well, the more the merrier. But she would at least be there to make certain either way. Travel was wearing on the pregnant luperci, but the idea that she was incapable of doing her pack duties had yet to cross her mind. They were certainly more difficult, yes, and she'd had to find a new way to do a few things, but so far she had been doing her best to adapt.

The leader grumbled to herself a bit as she walked, large feet plodding through the underbrush of the forest that acted as a buffer around entrances to their cave system. One thing that was especially difficult to control was the amount of noise that she made these days. She was much heavier and her movements were more awkward; it seemed every day that her belly grow larger and that she she found herself off balance once more.

Her physical developments had not changed her personality, however. As she approached the pair, she caught the tail end of Ravesque's words. He was apologizing to the stranger because she couldn't come to greet them...because of her condition? She came forward. A frown split on her muzzle, eyebrows coming together as she gave a low growl. "I'm pregnant, you dunce, not useless." Her gravelly voice announced. She would have cracked him over the head had she anything good to use. "Keep worrying about my 'condition', and I'll give you a condition to worry about. Your own."

Table by Jenny!

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