The Obstacles We Face

Enjoyed your post Smile ...Lucia's a flirt! XD

Amusement riddled the face of the ebony female. She had found deep satisfaction in startling this unknown male. Still somewhat deeply seeded within her, despite Zalen’s influence, Lucia’s hatred flowed comfortably in her veins. She stood firmly, muscles occasionally twitching under her dark fur. She had met his angry glare with eyes that danced in mischief and enjoyment. There was a psychotic fire flickering within those coals. It was going to be an interesting evening it seemed.

Even when words began to pour from the male’s mouth, Lucia didn’t seem to stir from her position. Instead, she almost seemed elsewhere. She was, in fact, thinking as to why his eyes seemed so hypnotising. She couldn’t take her sight off them, even with all the hostility in the air. Lucia was entertained by it, confused also. Was her hatred for males spurring on her libido? It seemed plausible. If only Snake could see her now.

“I didn’t fail at anything,”
Her reply was blunt, tone quieter than before. Despite the pleasure received from the whole ordeal, Lucia’s mind had decided to take things to a different level. It seemed like there could be a challenge in the making here, and she was never one to turn that down. “I did see the other arrows. Impressive, if you don’t mind my say so.” She paused, trying to pick her next words carefully. This was all a game to her right now. She wanted to toy with him. “Oh, and just for the record,” a tiny flirtatious smile crept onto her lips, that bizarre fire still lingering in her gaze. “For you to state that I have a petite little ass would mean you were looking.” She paused one more time, trying so hard not to break out into a bestial smile. Her lip twitched, and her body turned ever so slightly to allow him a better view. She waved her tail with exaggerated femininity. “Do you like it Mister?”


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