Blood stained sheets
for sunny Big Grin

The man dropped to his knees, the coughing racking him to his core. His side was killing him as he hacked up puddled of bile and blood, staining the grass beneath him crimson. Blood and spittle flecked his chest and muzzle and the man found it a struggle to breathe, his own pride had got him this far and now it was letting him down enormously. Since the guardian had pinned him to the floor he had been coughing up blood with alarming frequency, the man was beginning to feel dizzy and lightheaded. He sat back and leaned against a nearby tree trying to stop the black at the edge of his vision from creeping any further in.

Even if they beat him for his treachery he would never give in and obey that fake chief that had been sent int to dictate them all. But the man wasn't sure how much more injury he could take before his body gave out and failed him. He stared up at the leaves of the tree behind him and let his mind wander, uncaring of how close to death he actually was.

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