Wait for me, Dream Giver.

OCC → oh Galileo XD

Galileo smiled at the woman's reaction. She was pretty, a single though that over took the man's brain for a moment before he answered. 'I don't want any, hun, I was just using a route that passed these borders and I heard you singing. I was intrigued...' he smiled softly, a smile that looked as if it belonged on a male model. The action had been perfected in his youth chiefly to get around his carers and in his teen months, to get around his mother. 'I'm Galileo. Galileo Gray' he said softly, smiling to prove he was in fact harmless.

'You sing well' he said, swiping a lock of dark brown hair away from his face. Hewas amused by the ferrety looking thing before him, the one making all the noise. He could easily kill the thing but why bother? As long as it didn't attack him and even then he would only know the think back. 'Who's you little friend there?' he asked, tilting his head as he inspected the creature. Personally he prefered the rodent eating, scaly type of pet himself. Serpants and lizards. But each to their own he supposed. He smiled again for good measure. It never hurt to be polite.

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