Don't feel bad, it can be be much worse.
323(+2) :: Here it is! It takes place round 11 am in the stables. Let me know if you want me to change something XD

As she reached the stables, the medic felt the familiar smell of horses. It had passed some time since she came here for the first time. Her black lips twisted into a grin as said building came to view. Her mood was clearly better than the day before, but she wasn't sure whether it had to be with the fact that she was going to see the horses or that she had decided that the changes occured within the pack wouldn't affect her. Maybe the second option was the most plausible. She wouldn't allow all this situation to confuse or intimidate her. Besides, she was yet to meet the strangers, and she wanted to evaluate them by herself than to trust entirely on the other's descriptions. But she was already getting an idea about how these newcomers were.

The woman's dark feet made no sound against the earth as she crossed the working fields and reached the fence that prevented the horses from running away. A small breeze blew in her direction, carrying her smell to the grazing animals and removing her hair, which was again adorned with a few feathers and a flower that she had found on her way there. The equines lifted their heads as they caught the smell of the stranger, but otherwise, they didn't display any sort of recognizement. The woman placed a hand over the fence and slid it over the wooden surface as she walked along it, heading towards the entrance of the building.

Nothing had changed since the last time she had been there, except maybe that most of the horses were inside, dozing or just standing there, kinda surprised by her presence. With cautious steps, Luna carried herself inside the place and towards one of the animals, which was staring at her with curiosity and emmitting small grunts. Her green eyes traveled across the equine's body as she stretched a hand to touch it.

Luna lives "Luna says" Luna thinks "Ghost says"

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