If You Want It, You Can Have It.
Iskata knew already how the lady felt about the coyotes and she wasn't going to even try and defend herself. The things she'd been through were hard to even start to explain and the life she lived now was indeed strange but the way she saw it she didn't have to explain anything to anyone except herself, and she wasn't about to argue with herself about any of her choices. Pushing the thoughts to the back of her mind she sighed and watched the thoughts cloud the eyes of the other. A grim smile spread across her maw as she shrugged off the dark notions that were creeping upon her mind. She stretched her legs out and yawned as the strange lady's attention seemed set on something else.

She began to speak and Iskata smiled at her, no hard feelings for the questions the girl had asked and the memories it had brough about face. Shaking dust from her pelt she sighed and looked up at the sky, following the same notion the masked wolf(raccoon) had just done moments before. Nodding to the lady she shrugged and spoke softly. "There's no need to apologize. We'll see eachother again.. maybe then we'll both have found our lives more complete." She grinned at the thought, knowing that the lady had been shaken up by the tresspassing of the newcomers and her own recent misfortunes had made things difficult, but there was always tomorrow. "Get to know some of the paackmembers around here Adelaida, I'm sure you'll find them bareable.." she yawned and began to rise to her feet again, preparing to head back to the den she'd made off in the woods. "Good luck Miss Adelaida..." she said as she started her trip off into the woodlands.

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