Stardust n' Fireflies
Iskata searched the face before her as she spoke up. The concern for her brother almost made the younger wolf's aunt weep because she knew the truth and she knew she'd have to tell her somehow. She didn't think the girl before her would be able to stand the whole truth but she knew what was going to happen, there was no doubting it.. A life for a life, and the cycle would go round and round, neverending. She bit her lip as she swallowed the fear that was building inside her. There was nothing she had to fear from the poor girl before her, but what she'd already seen was more than enough.

Lowering her eyes for a moment the lady with the moonlight pelt tried to put her words together to find the correct things to say, in the end it didn't matter though. "I'm not sure where he's at now.." she knew where he had been, but where he was now she couldn't say. She raised her eyes to met those of her niece as she admitted the smallest slice of the truth to Mew. "He.. went to Inferni..." her eyes seemed to beg the girl before her not to ask anymore than what she said, but deep inside she knew it was just beginning.

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