Stardust n' Fireflies
Iskata stared at her niece as she listened to the passion building in her words, the words that Iskata returned seemed emotionless though they were not. Iskata may have been disgusted that her own blood hated coyotes with such a ferocious passion. Shaking her head the words fell out between them. "Asphyxia wished me to pass her apologies to you, she never knew you were pregnant when she attacked you. Oddly enough she feels the same, you can't take back what Haku has done, and she can't take back her past actions..." She stared at Mew with hard cold emotion in her eyes as she finished her words. "Perhaps none of us can help how we feel after the things done to us, but if you don't think that a child can walk a different path than their clan you've never given anyone a chance." She didn't think that her niece would give anyone a chance now, but she could always hope.

Shaking her head at the words her niece said she felt her ears pin back against her head as she spoke up, emotion finally overriding her cool. "I'm not asking you to take responsibilty for this.. just to know what he's capable of.. Haku didn't act like he knew what had happened when I found him.. He acted like a small pup lost and afraid..." her words seemed to be strained as she tried to stress what exactly had happened. She wasn't really sure she could get Mew to understand. "Just.. be careful Mew. I know part of him is your brother but there's something dangerous there too..." She wasn't going to argue with the girl, she couldn't make her understand why she cared for the coyotes at all or what she'd been through in the past but she wanted her to know they weren't all bad.. she just hoped that things wouldn't grow worse than they were..

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