Seeking Acceptance (leader Needed)
You didn't mention a time of day in your post so I hope you don't mind it being set in the morning Smile. To increase the length of your post you can discuss your character's past, emotions, and the scenery. Welcome to souls!


It was simply another day in Crimson Dreams for the warrior. Things had been fairly uneventful for the past few weeks. He had managed to visit Halifax a couple times and even meet a few members of his family he hadn’t seen before. It amazed him how far the Marino’s stretched across souls. He had been fully aware that Naniko and Ehno had pups but they had never searched out the land. Even if they had he wasn’t sure how Savina would take it, after all she was rather touchy when it came to sensitive subjects such as Naniko.

Today Jazper had decided to start his daily rounds rather early in the morning in hopes of avoiding the scorching sun later in the day. As he moved his body wandered in and out of the boarder lazily, his brain still wishing he was in bed. There was a constant ruckus in the forest this early in the day as there were no predators up and about and the birds, rabbits and squirrels took to socializing at this strange hour. Stopping briefly the giant stretched his Halfling form forwards, reaching out his massive claws with a yawn. As his body relaxed once more he gave a little shake of his fur. Perhaps earlier was not better?

Within a few more steps the Knight heard a call. His ears perked in the direction the noise had come from and he started a lazy trot in the general direction. The figure of a timber wolf caught his attention as he closed in. Slowing to a walk he lifted his tail and head proudly. “You called?” Jazper hadn’t responded to a strangers call in some time but it was likely that not many of his pack mates were up and about yet. Although he looked intimidating due to his mass and body language he attempted a soft smile to reassure the male.


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