Seeking Acceptance (leader Needed)


The topic remained on his family for the moment being, keeping the silly grin plastered on the proud warriors face. There was no doubt to anyone who knew Jazper that his family was his pride and joy. After searching for something to belong to for so long he had all but thrown himself into his protection role in the pack and now was a very dedicated father. He adored every one of his five pups and would always be their father until death separated them. His dedication had been proven by his actions over the past couple years.

“Yes. It certainly doesn’t hurt.” He admitted, adding a small chuckle to his voice. “But I try to teach my boys to respect all gifts. They are blessed to be able to have the strength to do as they please but that does not mean that they should.” Ever since he was a young pup his own father had taught him to respect others and take care in the way he treated others. He could always use force to get what he wanted but that wasn’t in Jazper’s values.

Taking note of how Rammus straightened at his own name Jazper nodded his greeting yet again. It was a strong name for a warrior. Listening to the boy’s skills he was surprised to hear of his speed. It was difficult for Jazper to keep up with the smaller wolves of his pack who were certainly much faster than his large body could ever dream of moving. “Speed is an unique talent for someone of your size and I could always use more warriors to help out. Although Crimson Dreams has many wolves not many of them focus on fighting or protection. We do have a couple very talented medics however.“ His voice had returned to a more formal tone, not quite the laughing father that Rammus had seen moments ago. Lifting his large head into the air he released a deep drone into the air, a call to leadership to join him. As the note echoed into the forest he regarded Rammus once more, “Be sure to show your respect.” It was a friendly reminder as warriors were always welcome in Jazper’s mind.


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