Seeking Acceptance (leader Needed)
Ram had nodded as he lowered himself again his belly on the ground once more as thoughts ran through his head.
"Who is the leader? will they seem respectful towards me? will they be kind? will they be mean? What type of species? Are they as big as Jazper? Will they be impressed with my size? My strengths? will my weaknesses break the deal and they reject me?"
His ears had straightened now listening to know which direction the leader would come from, his claws digging into the ground in anticipation, his eyes searching the skyline for any signs of movement. His muscles all flexed from anxiety as he began breathing deep slow breaths, calming himself down.
"What's the leaders name so i can address him as so?"
He asked the question tentatively unsure if the leader was even a male. The feeling brought back emotions from his time as a puppy, when his mom would be showing up with food he would have the exact same reaction from the sheer anxiety. This brought a smile to his face as all his muscles would finally relax, his claws retracting from the dirt as he lay breathing softly beaming with excitement.

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