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So, writing this post was a little weird to me for some reason, but it is the end of the day too ._.; If it's hard to respond to I can rewrite it some.

Word Count → 385

When I'm awake, I'm still dreaming.

The ivory and cream hued girl remained staring at the boy, as if looking past him. Bright blue eyes shone with a mixture of the light from the inside of her room, and the darkness from the night sky behind her. Giselle saw him, but did not really see the knight-to-be standing there. It was as if she were looking for the impossible, something that she wished with all her heart but would not come.

A part of her was convinced the night was real, that they read and spoke of true love beneath the moonlit window. But it couldn't have happened, it wasn't how Giselle had imagined her first kiss. Her papa had always told her she was a princess, and so her life must act accordingly, right? So then.. why didn't a prince kiss her? The boy before her was not what she had expected, and she was looking at him as if to even know he was there; that he was real. Engrossed in thought, Giselle found herself approaching the young man, one hand outstretched until her fingers lightly rested on his bare chest.

But he every bit as real as her dreams were vivid, and it was only until the figure spoke that she blinked and gazed up at him. Her eyes were searching, attempting to read a book that had a possible deeper meaning, but all she saw staring back at her were emeralds, like sparkling jewelry.

Giselle blinked again, then realized her actions and drew her hand back towards her, like a flame had burned her. The young woman stepped back carefully, and politely, and found herself looking to the floor. "No, it wasn't real, so it had to have been a dream.." Her tone of voice seemed to be trying to convince herself, shying away from the truth of it all. It had all been very real, but in Giselle's mind it wasn't how it was supposed to be. Lifting her head, she took another look up at him. "Right?" Light blue eyes looked pleading, as if she wished he would tell her that it was a dream all along. Though the thoughts of fantasy wanting to be a reality had been fighting with her inner turmoil, she still wanted to believe that what had happened did not.

Image courtesy of Barbara Cannnela@Flickr; table template by the Mentors!

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