Far Flung Flotsam

She would not have considered Denver a friend, but an acquaintance. She didn't trust him; he was there one day, gone the next. He'd never let on much about himself, and most of what she did remember of his conversation was cocksure and complaining. But he was entirely appealing, even so, with his lopsided ears and his beautiful clothes, and she supposed moving home wasn't necessarily such a serious betrayal. Although, her loyalty to the Court was absolute and would have taken quite some pressure to break. Unlike Denver, who had never really bothered with the place, as far as she could tell. He was certainly being more citizenlike with his new home, though, his words fobbing her off without a direct answer. It was irritating. "The out with the old, in with the new kind of changes," she answered. "You live around here now, don't you?" Let him try and wriggle out of that one.

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