Active vs. passive voice
So I'm not sure what I'm even trying to ask here, but...

It was only recently I really got the difference between active and passive voice (reference here, in case anyone wants to read more). Anyway, scientific papers actually promote use of passive voice and I've found it's become second nature for me to use it, even if it's usually more clunky/wordy. I've been trying to use more active voice in my posts, but I still have to go back when I'm done and correct things/think extra hard about how to eliminate the passive voice.

I guess I was just wondering if anyone had tips for using active voice in the first place/making it happen more naturally... or even just easier to spot when passive voice happens. One thing I've noticed that always trips me up... since we write in past tense by default, sometimes I think (?) I'm slipping into passive voice just by trying to make things "more past" by using past participle. I... hope that makes sense, since I only recently got a grasp on what a "past participle" was, too. XD

And yes, I understand that passive voice isn't necessarily wrong--but I'd like to learn to use active voice better, too. I understand it's more effective on cover letters and resumes, so it seems like a good skill to practise. :3

Any clarifications or tips are highly appreciated! <3

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