[M]- Dance yourself Clean


Relief flooded over him as she stated that nothing was wrong. He wanted her to be content - no, more than content. He didn't want her to ever have to need or want something that he could provide to her. Safety, food, this place to live. He'd helped fix it up with Saul so that they could all have somewhere to live together, as a family. Privacy was important to him, yes, but so was being close to his children and the rest of his family. They'd been pretty spaced out when they had all lived in Dahlia...this was much nicer.

She seemed content to play with his body and to use it as her chew-toy. "I can tell. I'm more awake now..." She mouthed the flesh at the nape of his neck, and he gave her a surprised chuckle. "Mmm, taking control, are we?" In that position he would have been somewhat immobilized, should she decide to take a stronger hold. He barely had the words out of his mouth before she had climbed on top of him, though. What was she planning on doing up there?

He was waking up bit by bit, but her movements felt somewhat rushed to him, as if he were going slower than she. She was asking him if he was tired and then nipping at him before he had time to react to it. "Not any more, I'm not". What she was doing now greatly interested him; she seemed to be in a very playful mood, and his own inner-child was waking up to be a part of it as well. Gideon turned his head to lick and nuzzle at her face, his hand moving upward to tangle into her mane and down her shoulders, lightly scratching the areas that he could reach. "What are you doing, you crazy girl?" He murmered.

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