they did it to be infamous
Word Count → :: Mind if we backdate this?

Though their last conversation had been brief and forceful, Ezekiel had sought Halo with a purpose. He wanted to see more of the territory to the north. Ibsen had given him a rough layout of the land, and from the high points of the mountain range they would be able to spy on the landscape below. Diplomacy would be the cover otherwise; once the two of them had learned what they needed to know, they could send some of the other members out to explore.

Viggo remained behind, and the two traveled on foot. Lupus form had been taken in order to provide an easier travel, and Ezekiel was glad to be using all four feet again. His gait was a coyote’s trot, well suited to a body that was still larger than most coyotes. Gabriel’s wolf bloodline had provided this, and it was one of the greatest advantages the young Aquila had. They reached the Archeron river in the early morning, and there the hybrid paused to lap up several mouthfuls of the cold water.

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