they did it to be infamous
Word Count → ::

“You will no longer be Centurion,” Ezekiel said hoarsely. His voice sounded unfamiliar to him. This was what it had been like when he had killed Caillen. He felt strangely hollow.

Blood clotted around his wounds, and his ear stung terribly. His jackal cousin would have his work cut out for him. The Aquila was certain his ear would be forever changed. She could at least have that victory. The scarred coy-wolf rose to his feet, finally feeling his strength return. “Train my coyotes. If anyone asks, you stepped down. But you and I will know better,” he added, a wicked sneer twisting his face. It fell as he moved towards her, flicking one ear with a snort. Blood flew from his nose. “Come on. We’re going to see Enkiel.”

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