And We'll Dance Like We're From Texas,
He came closer to her, thanking the stars in the sky she didn't run off, and finally caught up with her, sorry... why did she have to be sorry? It was he who had blown up at her, and a pack mate at that.

"No, I am the sorry one. You are my pack mate, part of the family. Taking my anger out on you isn't going to make things better. Honestly, I do not want such a bad impression of me to end. I would like to make it up to you."

He was sincere, sure that he could do something to let her know he wasn't the angry bitter man that he had shown. He let emotions slip that he never should have. He didn't blame Sky, nor did he blame that idiot Tal, but he did blame himself. It was up to him to keep his thoughts in check and he never did. Now he was paying for it.

"I'm the protector of the pack, and everyone should feel safe around a protector."

He added. It was true. He wasn't going to have his pack mates scared of him because he couldn't keep his temper, that was bad for business, no, he needed to keep his cool. She taught him that he would need to work a little harder on keeping it.

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