Alesigja tho rhi thuesgho
hurr hurr hurr Jace doesn't know how to react to Razekiel XD

More lightning struck the sky and filled the air with the scent of burning but worry she did not, the torrential rain would dampen any fires that sprung up. The clouds were beginning to lighten now from their dark bulging coloration, a sign that the storm was finishing releasing its bounty on the world and was ready to move on. She did not comment on his words at first, instead simply stared at the sky and rain, it took her a few minuted to sift through what she could say and find the answer that most described what she felt about it,

"I think perhaps, that I would like the chance to prove and redeem myself, if I ever did anything grievously wrong in this life then at least I can ask for forgiveness and make my next life an exemplary one, but whether it is true or not I do not know. None of us will I suppose until we do die and I hope that lays quite some time within the future, I do not fear death, to die fighting for the ones I must protect is an honor of the greatest kind, but nor do I want it calling at my den so soon." She grimaced at her messy explanation, hoping he understood her clearly enough.

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