This world has forgotten.

Just as a heads up, what you did with Range there is considered powerplay. You can read up on what powerplay is here. I don't mind this time, but you'll want to be careful about it in the future.

Word Count: 428

Melee stretched out, leaving her back completely open to attack without even realizing it. Mostly because she was complacent in her own safety. After all, she had never had cause to fear for her life, so she was naive to the idea that it could be unsafe here. So near to her pack's lands, so far from the Inferni tribe... she saw no reason to worry. Her ears twitched slightly as she heard what she thought were pawsteps, but by that time it was too late. A warning bark soon followed that would have tipped her to what was happening anyway. Melee half-spun around to face her "attacker", a startled expression on her features. Her body was tense with preparation for a fight, though she quickly recognized the approaching figure as her brother.

He picked her up and threw her into the sand, causing her breath to exhale out of her lungs in a painful oomph. Melee was dazed for a moment and unable to react as he sat on her and held her wrists. After a brief recovery, she growled playfully at her brother, her tail whipping back and forth against the sand as she mock-glared up at her sibling. Usually it was she who mounted the attacks against him and she was impressed that he had laid in wait and attacked her first. The girl nipped lightly at his whiskers in "punishment" for his actions, though she was sure to come up with a way to actually get him back later.

When he had finished his proud speech, she bucked her stomach up underneath him. Simultaneously, she pushed up with her chest and tried to wrestle her brother off of her. Which was difficult with her wrists caught, but not impossible. If she was successful in wresting him off, she would (surprisingly) not attempt to pin him in return. Rather, she would stand up and dust the sand off. Her revenge would come later. If she was unsuccessful, she would stop wriggling to reply to his question. "I was thinking the Foothills. After checking out the seal pups on the beach, that is. I'm sure there have to be tons after this summer." she was actually somewhat tempted to try to catch one. Its fur would be great to make a satchel or something out of... but another part of her balked at the idea of killing a cute little baby seal. So she wasn't sure which would win out just yet. It was an ongoing battle between the savage and the civilized parts of her.


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