This world has forgotten.

I don't intend to! He's just bigger than Melee, that's for sure. :b

Word Count: 306

Melee was pleased that she had beat him to their goal. The sand had been spitting up behind her as she ran, her fleet padded feet making easy work of the shoal's shores. The girl breathed in deeply as she skidded to a stop. For a time, her breathing was slightly labored, but she kept it quiet so as not to disturb the native wildlife. Like her brother, she crouched down onto her stomach and shimmied up onto an area where she could look outward at the seal pups. After all, if she alerted them to her presence, they would surely be off like little flashes of gray lightning back into the surf.

She stared at the seals, fascinated by their movements. Their flippers were strange, misshapen things. Habitually, she reached for her deformed hand, feeling the nubs where fingers should have sprouted in her changed form. The similarity of the flippers to her paw made her both unsettled and somehow happy. At least someone else could understand the weirdness of being different. Even if to them, it was natural. If one of their kind was born with a hand, they would be seen as the freak. Then again, Melee Soul had never truly faced the scrutiny or discrimination of another. Gideon wouldn't have allowed it, her pack as a whole wouldn't have allowed it. Just because they didn't tell her didn't mean she didn't realize she was odd, though, or that others might perceive her deformity with scorn. Just because it hadn't happened yet didn't mean that it wouldn't.

After some moments of just watching the seals at play, she wiggled closer to Range and poked his cheek with her nose to grab his attention. "Ready to do some exploring?" she whispered. Assuming that either the Falls or the Foothills were in their near future.


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