
Blue eyes followed the dark hued boy as he jumped and lay by her side. She noticed the familiar heart warming feeling sweep over her as she looked at the son she had created and smiled with a response to his question. I am well, and you? She had wondered how his anger had been doing, and though she had not seen any outbursts like the time with the pot and plant she would not believe that everything she saw was all the occurred. Yet Anu was happy that he had been able to keep collected around the pack, and she had certainly noticed that he did as she had told and worked to free his youthful energy.

Anu nodded at the next question, knowing that they would appear some day to challenge the knowledge that she had of Gabriel. She had feared it was too little to satisfy any of her sons. But Cypress had always been a bit more curious about their sire, where Alder seemed to feel as if all it had taken to bring him into the world was his mother. Well, Anu began, her smiling faded but still visible. he is the leader of Inferni, but you know that. It was beyond Anu's knowledge that the old man had stepped from his place as alpha in the coyote clan. To her he would always hold that rank. She thought of the first time they had met, He has faith in a god, like I do in the Sun. Faith meant believing in something bigger then one's self. It was honorable.

Anu remembered well that he had killed Haku, who tormented many in their lives and then their dreams. Anu included. It made her respect Gabriel even more then she had with his general acquaintance. But she would not tell Cypress his sire was a killer, for good or not. Instead she thought of the wolf that she knew few saw in him And he is caring, and has always been a good friend to me. Some find him frightening, but he had a good heart. Deep down beyond his marks and scars. She smiled at her son, feeling a terrible sorrow and longing well up inside. She missed her friend, and wondered if he was well.


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