
we can probably start wrapping this up soon

Anu's words only confused the boy further as she tried to explain the lands of his father and how they differed from their own. Such prejudice was an unfamiliar concept to Cypress. The dreamers were mostly wolves, this was true, but Cypress had met Krystalle who was both Dreamer and a dog. She had looked odd to Cypress at first with her limp ears and short tail but she had been as friendly as any other and had tried to help him when she had found him trying to work with the clay. Was that why she and her family choose to live away from the manor? Because they were not wolves. Was their such a difference in their breeds? He didn't think so, yet he could not say he had truly met a coyote either. For Gabriel had not seemed so different from them. "No wolves.. but why? Are we so different?" His confusion was clear in his face with an almost troubled look in his eye.

He only knew such a small portion of the world. He had only seen rare glimpses of the cruel and savage world was possible beyond their borders. They had all seen a glimpse of it in Nuki, knowing now what she had done to Denali and had attempted to do to Parker. Otherwise his life had been rather sheltered behind their peaceful borders.

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