Like thieves in the night
Wematin understood his master's rage, although he neither approved nor disapproved of it. Understanding was far different from holding a viewpoint on something. According to the ancient laws, Nayati Utina had indeed committed a crime, and now he had run away like a coward to hide behind the borders of another pack. This, if anything, angered Wematin, because it had escaped his and the Guardian's attention that the Utina family had escaped proper justice, as was to be meted out properly. So there he stood to the side of Maska, tall and strong as before, looking out to the gathered before them. The Guardians he expected to be supportive--being otherwise would immediately blacklist them as nonconforming and thus a possible trouble-maker--but the rest of the tribe he already knew to be nonconformists, even those that bowed their heads and did as they were told.

In silence he listened to Maska's speech, and although he did not shout his support--he was not the shouting kind of man--Maska knew full well of his loyalty to his duty and thus where he stood. He did, however, raise his deep, gruff voice to address the crowd once Maska was finished. "We have confirmed it all. The Utina family, in their cowardice, has also involved Crimson Dreams with a blasphemous plot; they are sheltering the Utinas because they know our pack lands, and are plotting to overtake our territory and pack. Will you all lay down to a traitor, criminal, and usurper?" It was then that Maska announced their plans to attack on the morrow, and Shadi was the first 'whoop' of agreement and anger at those who had run from justice, although Wematin knew it was mostly for the prospect of a battle. She was truly a vicious woman. The black Guardian himself was already preparing for what would come, and would prepare the new Guardians as well for the night after this one. A plan had already formulated between himself and Maska, but in order to fully utilize it they would need a few more canoes--those which the Gatlvskas and a few Guardians would have to work on that night and into the next day if the element of surprise was to be on their side.

Certainly, if those who did not agree stepped forward or made a fuss, he would gladly make an example out of them like he had the foolhardy brown male. Only this time, it would be far, far worse. He dared them.

Guardian walks. "Guardian talks." Guardian thinks.

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