Every time I look around.

Word Count: 391

Sounds good to me. Thanks so much for joining! Big Grin

The girl was focused on what she was doing and at first she ignored Temo's approach. Of course he wasn't really trying to approach her anyway, he was just going about his business in the pack lands and happened to be near where she crouched. She was observing the horses still with keen bi-toned eyes when he went into the stables. As the carpenter, it made sense that he would want to check and see what kind of work Broken Arrow Ranch still needed to be at its best. Melee wasn't really familiar with the male, though. She knew who he was and had met him a few times, but she had never really made a point to get to know him. Mostly because he was in a different part of his life. He had a mate and an adult rank, it felt hard to relate to someone in such a different lifestyle. Not that she couldn't talk to him, but she wasn't inclined to seek him out either.

When he started walking back down the pathway directly behind her, she turned to look. He seemed to be talking to himself. His Optimus form certainly did cause more distress or interest among the horses. They snorted and curved their heads to gaze at him. A distract-and-catch method might be successful. Their wide nostrils flared as they gazed at Temo, but none of them had realized she was there still. That was good. They were more sight oriented than scent oriented, she thought. Either that or they just didn't care that she was there because she wasn't doing anything interesting. Melee thought she had learned as much from them right now as she could, though. So it was that she stood up and loped toward Temo, woofing to catch his attention.

Then the horses looked at her, drawn by the sound. They went back to what they had been doing after a short time, though, uninterested in the pair of canines that wasn't approaching them. "Namaste!" Melee couldn't make the hand gesture necessary to fully use this Ichikan gesture of greeting, but at least she had the verbal part. It was somewhat odd to be in Lupus form while he was in Optime, but she didn't mind too much. Even if it did mean she had to look quite a ways up.


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