Make your move, stranger.
OOc: Sure sure. Lol, hard to read the ooc of your post XD And thanks for correcting me, no one else did ><

The Russian read the man's stiff reaction casually. This was not the first time his ideals had been brushed off as brutish or barbaric. He doubted it'd be the last. Drizzt simply nodded as the other man suggested sparring at a later time. "Perhaps once your pack has finished whatever it plans on doing you'll be able to find time." He said calmly. The man turned his back on the Aniwayan and began to walk away, sighing as he realized he was walking away from an encounter with nothing... Again.

As he scooped up his weapon belt and re-strapped it around his waist, Drizzt paused. He shook his head and continued walking away, raising his hand. "My name is Drizzt by the way. If you find you have time for a match, just give a call, I'll be closer than you think." The man didn't slow down, and pulled his cowl back over his head. He hoped the stranger would bother for a match with him. The Russian was looking forward to testing the mans mettle.

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