As the Eagle Flies
1. Character Name: WindSeeker Icefur
2. Character Birthdate (including year): March 21st, 2006
3. Whether s/he is a regular wolf or a Luperci (not applicable to non-canines): Luperci
4. Species (not applicable to canines):
5. Gender: Female
6. Your e-mail: or (either works)
7. A secondary form of contact (AIM, MSN, Y!M). AIM: WindSeekyr
8. How did you learn/hear about 'Souls?: Sonia's Lj
9. Initial post:
OC: I already filled out my profile and such, so if there's anything I need to change/elaborate on, can someone let me know. I want to make sure I did everything right/am following all the rules ^^;

"Town ahead," came Etalpalli's voice from above. Nerves jangled around in the belly of the small brilliantly white Luperci who moved through the afternoon, flicking her ears this way and that, to best catch sounds the rain muffled in the woods. Wind liked the rain, it gave the world a sense of closeness, as it hushed many subtle noises. She liked it when she slept rather, because today she did not want to miss an important noise, something that would let her know she had canine company. It wasn't as if she couldn't see, no, she could, it just wasn't well. Sapphire eyes, one seeing, the other blind flicked up to the grey eagle, so very out of her range, but then Etalpalli had never seen the proper home of her species, the Amazonian rainforest, thousands of miles south, in a land the blind she could not picture. Etal was descended from birds kept by humans in captivity. Supposedly, the humans had hoped to save the rare grey eagles. Wind, and Etal, for that matter, could both admit they really hadn't payed that much attention in their History lessons. The odd pair had an interesting history themselves, though neither really thought of it. "Tree root, 12 O'clock!"

"What?" The little white female had no more than finished the query when her paw caught in said tree root, throwing her momentarily off balance. WindSeeker scowled, more at herself than at anything else. She should be more alert, especially here. First impressions and all. She shook herself, righting the pack she carried, holding the end with her jaws. She could do this, she knew she could. Partial blindness wasn't an end all to being accepted into a pack, was it? Well, it wasn't as if her previous experiences with the few and far between packs she'd encountered in her travels had been particularly encouraging. Maybe she'd be lucky and get the chance to show her worth to whoever lived here. She'd like to live here, it had streets, and human dwellings. Not that the forest wasn't good, but with her limited vision, it was so much easier to get around when there were streets... With the huge gray bird gliding silently overhead, the little wolf continued on in the rain to wait at the border of the pack's territory.

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