A dream within a dream
Markus wasn't one for sea travel, at least not alone--or rather, without adult company. But he'd missed Reed and Fran's ship, and been forced to take another, by himself. His only consolation was that he wasn't allowed to be sick, because Eva required all his attention. And spending his days hanging over the side wasn't very productive, anyway. Eva had loved the boat; she'd loved the blue sky, and the sea gulls, and the white, fluffy clouds. She hadn't stopped chattering the whole way over, despite it taking nearly three days--he was certain she talked in her sleep, because there had been little to no pause in her endless flow of questions.

"Rock go bye-bye! Want rock!" Eva's small voice sounded from the crook of his arm, and glanced down at her, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. What Eva had loved most of all, however, was the constant rocking motions as they sailed; they'd sent her to sleep faster than any of Markus' lullabies. He attempted to imitate them as he walked, looking around the bay curiously. He'd come a long way, but Reed had spoken of meeting here--or was it somewhere else?--in case they got separated. Markus paused near a large rock and set his pack and musical instruments down. His drums were with Reed and Francois, but he didn't worry much about them; there was an unspoken rule about instruments that ensured their safety. Besides, Reed had plenty of supplies; he wouldn't pawn any of their stuff for goods.

Sitting down on the rock, he carefully set Eva on the ground, unable to even warn her away from strangers before she was off, running in circles and yapping happily as she played. Markus kept a close eye on her, even as he pulled out his panpipe and began playing softly.

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