we are the monsters under your bed
*noms on Talitha*

   Max looked back towards Ezekiel, tail wagging ferociously, expectant of his answer but instead ended up following the older males gaze towards an approaching figure. Max's tail dropped dead still instantly, the woman reminded him of his mother in coloration and when she spoke he was flooded with memories. He looked down at his furry grey-white chest and feet, reminded of days of his mothers hatred towards him in this woman's gaze. Tall ears molded to his head and tail tucked against his legs he slunk to stand behind Ezekiel, youthful fantasies that were apparent before gone from his face and replaced by a confused and hurt expression.
   Max, since birth, had been abused by his mother and through example his siblings, due to the way he looked and a certain stigma had grown. Like Ezekiel had said he was half-monster though this was in an all to real description of what he was. These feelings of confusion and hurt had been chased away when his siblings had ran him off and now it was replaced by fantasy with an underlying anger that started to peek its way through. Max's coyote-like snout wrinkled as he bared his teeth, pin-prick teeth gleaming white against his dusty grey-white fur.
   If they wanted half-monster they would get it.


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