we are the monsters under your bed
The savage in man is never
quite eradicated

<333 Yaaay familieeee.Word Count » --

Oh Lord, there she went again. Ezekiel could see the nasty expression on Talitha’s face begin to form, and he stilled himself for it. His eyes softened slightly at her picture, which was remarkably well-done as all her works were. The Aquila’s body relaxed and he sighed loudly. “Of course I want it,” he said, exasperated. He turned his head slightly and found that Max was not only hiding behind him but showing his teeth. A frown creased his features.

“She’s not going to hurt you,” Ezekiel said lowly, hoping to calm the boy as he had learned to do with his horse. “This is my sister, Talitha,” he announced, beckoning her forward. As she advanced, he made certain to remain between the pair. A friendly nudge was given to her leg, for her Optime form was much larger than his own lupus body. “I found Max hunting…what was it? Giants?” An attempt to distract the boy, to keep the conversation going. A sideways glance warned Talitha to be nice, while he equally implored for her help; she would learn why soon enough, if his wild stories began.

@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... s/zeke.css);

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