they were sitting

Like today, the eighteen, perhaps~? Sorry for the delay in reply... and the length. xD;

Word Count → 700

The sharp shriek of an unfamiliar creature sent Thomas looking over with wide eyes in the direction it had come from. He was finally starting to calm down from being such a paranoid freak when another thing just had to pop up and leave him cautious… and perhaps a bit too scared for his typical demeanor. Though, anyone who heard such a sound and didn’t know what animal held it would probably be just as taken as he was.

He quietly began to move again, tracing his steps to a small circle of bushes with an evergreen tree to the right. The needles below weren’t exactly the most comfortable, but at the sound of heavy, fast beats coming through he didn’t have much choice. Thomas, being stupidly curious as he was, decided to lean forward with his ears pointed at the sound. His fingers curled around a smaller, deciduous tree for support as a flash of white, brown with a large something on top. Thom leaned back mighty quickly. His nose scrunched, ears flattening back in sheer surprise with a ‘what the hell was that’ expression.

To him, the blurred object looked like some kind of monster, not a knight and his steed. His glasses sat at the end of his muzzle, and he carefully took them off with a hand. He rolled them in his hand, staring at them from all angles as if they were some kind of dangerous weapon not to be messed with. He had only used them for fashion, after all, and it wasn’t like he couldn’t see perfectly clear without them. Thomas typically sat them away from his eyesight for that reason – around the tip of his nose. It just so happened that he looked through the lenses when that creature came through, making it more so look like a blurred mess.

His attention turned from his glasses – still in his hands – towards the path once more. The sound of heavy beats came again, but much slower. One ear flicked back while the other remained forwards, his body crouching slightly over the object in his hands. Most would run by now, but he was one of those people that most would think were stupid for seeing such a monster and wanting to see another. Though, as the figure appeared, he narrowed his eyes just to make sure it wasn’t a devilish creature, but rather, a woman on a horse.

She had a thick coat, fluffy like his, but she had off-white fur. Her curled tail made him glance behind him at his own and then, he turned back to inspect his right arm. Thomas was purely in his own world, probably still shocked from seeing such a thing and then relieved when a woman came around on her horse. He assumed that the creature he saw earlier was just a horse and its rider, too. The last thing he had expected, however, was for them to stop and speak to him. His head awkwardly turned up while his arms were still held all over the place.

As the chestnut colored horse slowed to a stop, the woman waved at him with a smile – a sweet ‘Sammy’ smile. He gave her a small, awkward as usual, smile back and moved his glasses over to one hand to wave back. She greeted him then, introducing herself as Dixie-May and asked where he was heading. Her accent was interesting, in a good way, he rather liked the sound of it. It was like his (adoptive) father’s brother – his uncle – who had lived a ways a part from them.

She seemed sweet, so Thomas automatically relaxed to stand at his full height. He put his glasses back up at the end of his black nose. His lips parted, about to speak when the horse snorted, moving his ears – he didn’t understand how to read horses – and watched him with such eyes that he took a step back. “Um, hello,” he paused, fumbling with his single word. “I’m Thomas. And… I’m not sure where I’m going yet.” ‘Not sure where I am either.’

“Your horse,” he started, staring at it with a questioning look. “Is it easier to travel?”

Table code by the Mentors! Image && Edits by Cait!

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