[M] The End is Only a Beginning

OC: Smile / WC: 325

Lustrous black furred ears twitched to the smoothed Italian accented vocals that reverberated around her. She glanced swiftly up with gray orbs, wild and free, toward the approaching male. She stood, her hackles reached up to the sky as she lowered her head between her shoulders and narrowed her glance. Her ears twitched again and absorbed the noises around her as she studied the creature before her.

She heard him speak, and referred to her as. She searched the term in her mind, and searched for the meaning behind it. She however, had not once heard that word in use, and its meaning baffled her. She repeated the term over and over again in her mind, and listened to the tone in which the male used it. In moments, she came to the awareness that the term whore was not one used respectively.

She straightened her stance and then lifted her head high above her shoulders. She stood still with gray orbs narrowed in the male’s direction, “I am no whore.” She growled as she glared at the male, “I am a wolf, not some whelp to be taken lightly.”

She then took a guarded step toward the left; her focus never left him as she made a move to circle around the being before her. “Who are you, and what do you want?” She asked sharply, “If you wish to pick a fight, I will not hesitate to defend myself.”

She had to admit silently to herself that the stranger before her was quite attractive, though she did not find herself drawn to him as she was to a certain coyote she had left behind before journeying northeast. There was something strange about the creature before, something that made her feel uneasy, but she just could not tell what it was. So she kept her wild glance upon the male, and watched the very flex of his muscles for any sign of sudden action.

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