M - So will you come to burn an effigy?

The rope around her neck had worn the skin raw. It had thinned from age and the bite of the woven fibers caused pain at every turn. Her head pounded from the strike that had caused her to leave the world of the conscious and sleep while her captives had taken her from her home. When she had awoken the female hadn't known where she was, but as she collected her thoughts she had come to realize that she was a prisoner of a war that her decision had started.

The beast that watched over her, a silent partner in her captivity, tugged at the leash that the length of free rope created. Harshly the bite was felt and the wolf rose to her paws, bound with a stumbling length between them, and struggled to keep up without feeling the pain of her collar. Blue eyes watched the ground, thoughts steadfast in the effort to keep herself from being dragged along the path. But she was not alone, the sight of the small youth made her heart break further. Though words of comfort for the younger wolfess did not come, her throat raw from lack of water and the rope that threatened to choke her.

She frantically wondered if they had tried to hurt Fia, beyond the binding and the rough treatment. Anu could hardly imagine the fear she must feel, for the Leader was panicked herself. She did not trust any of the beasts that she had come into contact, but her life was less valuable then the girl's. Her's was worn and used up. Fia had too many years ahead of her. Anu prayed for her not to fight, not to anger them.

She felt the snap of the rope, her thoughts returning painfully to the present and her paws fell out from beneath her as the Guardian pulled her light weight form from behind him. Anu stumbled forward, leash freed from his hand, and fell to the ground. Her head pounded relentlessly now, her sight dotted and she blinked to retrieve clarity. She lay on the dirt, her breathing and gaze the only thing that might show the life inside her beaten form. He retrieved the cord and pulled her again, back into line with the others, the bite of the twisted rope eating at her neck and throat. Paws scraped at the ground as she tried to alleviate the pressure of those teeth, but she could not regain her balance.

Eyes could not see them, blind from the pain and weak from the night before. Her heart pounded with the beating pain of her head. But Anu knew Savina had come. She knew that her alphess would not give up until the Dreamers were reunited with their family. The woman was weak, weaker in this moment then she had as the walked from their prison. And all she wished was for them to return home. She couldn't bare to die here.

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