M - So will you come to burn an effigy?
as a game I put my hand over the flame

Gotham is fighting with Will, to keep him off Savina. Word Count »

Everything changed in an instant. He had stood by silently, glaring at the strangers, hating them as he had never imagined he could Each insult to his mother was an insult to him. Each foul sneer and crooked eye stabbed his pride. A swelling tide of noise rose from their faction as Fia fought, fell, and was struck. It was Savina who made the kill, Savina who gave into the beast he knew she carried, and Savina who now was the target of the strange, savage wolves.

Gotham threw himself into the fray, grappling with the male carrying the spear. He managed to grip this firmly, but earned a strong blow to the face for his trouble. Unwilling to let the armed man pass, the two began to spin and snap and snarl as they fought for the right to hold the spear. Both seemed to recognize that it alone might save them from one another.

I thought I was smarter as I flew into the sun,
but it turned out the way it does with everyone
@import url(http://bloodandfire.sleepyglow.net/publ ... gotham.css);

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