To live without hope is to cease to live

Word Count :: 300+

Her eyes seemed to search the ground. Even though she kept them downcast it felt like she could feel the weight of Eris’s gaze upon her. This is what it was like to be face to face with a true leader? Sure, Liliya had known packs before, had been part of them in the past, but generally canine etiquette was dropped for the more human-like forms of hierarchy. This one, though, Liliya knew was different; like Eris had roused a primeval instinct that had been dormant within her all these years.

She gave Eris her full attention, ears perked to show the woman that she was listening. When she said the name Janos, Liliya gasped. It could be a coincidence, the name was not uncommon. But still, Eris had made the connection after the mention of Liliya’s Russian heritage. She knew of a Janos distantly related to herself; she never met the man but had heard the name brought up in family business before.

“I will learn,” she said as she wished she could find a way out of this. Then again… perhaps… if there was one Russo in the woman’s pack, that could mean there were more. “I bring with me lots of knowledge from my father, and my family. Anything I can not do? I learn it. I can teach pack Russian, build things, and - like you know - bring in seafood. I make tools for feeshing, also.”

“I am called Liliya Russo, Madam. What is your will with me?” She raised her gaze slightly, mustering up the courage to stand confidently in front of Eris, but by no means did she dare to look the woman in the eyes again. There was little more she could say to sell herself to the woman, and Liliya suspected that Eris had known what she was going to do the moment she laid eyes on her anyway. She was ready for it to be done.

Image courtesy of mnshots@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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