How the mighty fall
OOc: Okay ^^ To be continued in the next episode than. XD

Drizzt grinned and nodded his head. "The pleasure truly is all mine Zalen." He said earnestly. "I'll be more than happy to explain for you. You see-" His words were cut short as a scent from the city grew stronger, demanding his attention. He turned his head and looked with Zalen, noticing a large wolf rushing towards the treeline. The assassin grimaced as he recognized the male coming after them. His companion turned to him and grasped the Russian's arm, saying farewell and calling him 'Brother'. His eye widened and he returned the gesture, then watched as the other male turned and sped off, almost giving him a run for his money in stealth.

With a smile, Drizzt turned and ran south, putting ground between himself and the city. Given the other mans abilities that he'd seen, Dinnin would not catch either of them. He made sure to memorize Zalen's face, mentally noting him as a trusted friend. "Brother, huh..?"

The assassin felt a sudden rush of joy at this thought. He had lost the only sibling he had ever felt close to, to his own blade non the less. But here, on a foreign land, he had found someone who could possibly fill the void that Eliez's death had left him. His smile faltered slightly as he remembered his blood brother, who still drew breath on these lands. If Dinnin discovered Zalen's involvement...

The Prince steeled his heart. No matter what happened to him, Dinnin would not harm any wolves in this land. No servant of Malice's will would.

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