The Entrance of Anathema
Mido began his journey from Washington a little over half a year ago. The trip that he took dragged him over vast mountain ranges, across large bodies of water, through forests and left him physically drained. This adventure was mentally taxing; he never slept long enough for his mind and body to recuperate, maybe 2 to 3 hours at a time. He never stayed in any one location for more than a day. The amount of interaction he had with anybody else was minimal at best.
Mido trekked a tall ridge of an unknown mountain range for the last 2 weeks. The nights grew colder every night, forcing him to sleep in abandoned caves. This night was warmer than the last few, with the moon looming overhead brighter than ever. An unusually warm revitalizing breeze carried the scent of wolves and dogs through his nose, becoming anxious his eyes widened and his pupils dilated. He majorly needed sleep and more than just a couple of hours, Mido curled up on a ledge and closed his eyes; he would make his way down to the far off fields in the early morning.
When he awoke a dense fog that nearly blocked out the sun enveloped everything around him. He reached the base of the mountain and continued forward, his jaw dropped as he approached a grove of trees the size of which he had never seen before. Following a foot path that seemed to stretch on for an eternity eventually turned into a road. Something about the road made him question if he should continue on, but something in the back of his mind told him to stay put. He sat at the entrance of the road with his head high peering into the distance; he could see movement, of what he wasn’t sure.
He did not have a single clue to where he was. Thoughts ran through his mind as the fog dispersed. Mido was amazed as his gaze touched every point of the land his eyes could see. Would he finally settle down, could this possibly be the place he belonged?

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