Another day in paradise
OOC: Ugh i felled asleep and then i didnt know what ride you meant so I generalized <3

Grumbling at the bird Shawchert wasn't sure he was believing his ears as he looked at one of the seagulls while she was talking how these birds were murderous. He gave her an incredulous look but then maybe she was right. Possibly there may have been an experience when she was a puppy when one of them tried to take her away and it was a mental reminder, of course that couldn't happen to her now, nor their puppies they were far too old now.

He turned with Orin and followed her. Taking stride beside her letting her lead. She hurried ahead towards a ride he'd noticed once before and smiled as she asked him to push her. Shawchert nodded and hurried to her to take a hold of the tuck and started pushing. Deep in the pit of his mind he never remembered having so much fun, not even with Sky. He laughed as he pushed the duck knowing the excitement Orin held.

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