Another day in paradise
Shawchert smiled sheepishly as she scolded him. He let her though, after all it seemed she was the one who had become the adult more than he had as of late. Nodding, he would surely try not to dwell, though it would be hard he was sure he could do it, at least with some help. He grinned as she happily accepted and he grabbed at her hand, if she held on he'd pull her to their destination, but he would still lead on no matter what.

"This way"

He moved fast. He had time earlier that morning before spotting Orin and found some nice small rides, ones they'd missed or the girls would have been on them in seconds. Shaw found it in the back of the park, where there was no mechanisms, this was all hand worked rides. So it would be by far much easier to push and pull. There weren't many only a few, a carousal, a swing around ride and a small boat, that wouldn't really fit adults but was perfect for children. He moved to the swings, and looked each one over before picking one that looked suitable enough not to snap when Orin got on and the ride started. It was made of steel and wood. most of the wood was still well intact and the steel had minimal rust. the beams were mad of wood spread out in a spiderweb so that it could spin with ease and stay in one piece. on each ends there was a swing held on by ropes. Shawchert held up the wooden belt thing, that would help keep Orin in, and offered to help her up.

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