Another day in paradise
She let Shawchert take her by the hand and the moment their fingers were interlocked the man started off with and spirited her away down the pier. The laugh that bubbled from the girl was wholly unconscious and wholly sincere. Her feet ran quickly, having to take staccato strides to keep up with the span Shawchert could clear with one step. She peered around, staring at all of the old, dilapidated wonders around her like a child might. It was so wonderful here. She wondered what this place was like when it had been in its heyday. She tried to imagine, but she had never seen flashing electric lights or heard organ music piped from speakers, so she could never guess how great this place had once been.

She was pulled past the old merry-go-round and past something she couldn’t figure out what it had once done, they ran past the house of mirrors, a hundred stretched, skewed, skinny and fat images ran with them. They rounded what once was a small pool with colorful boats – now drained of water – until finally they reached the edge of the park. At first Orin wrinkled her nose at the sight of what Shawchert picked. There were a hundred other better looking rides back there – but none of them worked. Oh it dawned on her, and then she realized the genius of what they’d found when she saw it wasn’t attached to any motors or machines.

A wide grin brimmed her face as Shawchert moved to one of the seats and motioned for her to get in. She nodded frantically and climbed into the seat, taking a moment to adjust for her tail, and then looked at Shawchert. She held onto the ropes, her legs swinging freely.

“I’m ready!” She giggled, and as she swung her legs the seat she was in began to sway already, before Shawchert could even start operating the ride.


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