And We Watched The Stars Fall To Chaos
short post to finish, you can now post your initiation task thread :3 just shoot me a pm if you want Jace to accompany her ^^ but this is also an excellant opportunity for Samantha to meet soem of the othrs as well so don't let me hog all your threads Big Grin

Jace smiled as Samantha repeated the creed that was required of all joining members with perfect accuracy. The border of flowers and plants separating them was now obsolete in the task of marking where Samantha was and was not allowed to roam, all of Ichika was her playground now and she was entitled to a share of its bounty like the rest of them were. She held out a hand and beckoned the new member over the border, to join her on the side of pack mate,

"Welcome to Ichika, you will start at the rank of Dai-In which means 'hidden greatness' your job is to simply get to know the territory and its people and try out different roles to decide which path you wish to proceed down. If you work hard enough you may eventually procure the rank of Prestige such as myself, over any one class, able to accept new members and act as a kind of sub leader. Now as for your initiation task, hmm." Jace paused in her speech to consider which tasks would be suitable for the new Dai-In,

"You have chosen to join at a time when the leaves change color and the harvests are reaped, food is plentiful and joy is widespread. To show your loyalty and demonstrate your skills to the pack you must hunt a ram or another large creature from the mountains to the south and present it to the pack as a feast. All of Ichika is available to ask for help if you find you need some assistance and there is no shame or ill will in asking for it. Sometimes we all need a generous and helping hand." Jace shifted backwards a few steps, ready and eager to turn and return deeper into the forests and valleys of which she now called her home.

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