an attitude i would like to devour
700th Tayui post on this forum! Whoohoooh Big Grin

[/html]Somehow, the one thing Tayui hadn’t expected from Eris was compassion; even from her children. So, Eris’ response that she had made it difficult for herself with her children surprised Tayui. It meant that Eris understood how hard it was on herself raising so many children, and inversely, how hard it was on her children having a mother who fulfilled so many roles. Tayui had been fortunate to live in AniWaya as a regular member when she’d had her litter, so she hadn’t the same sorts of duties Eris had here. Though, Tayui couldn’t help but feel a little bitter knowing that Eris had a mate and not an absent murderer as a mate to help her rear her children.

Though, Eris quickly fit into her pre-conceived expectations when she admitted it wasn’t all bad. Somehow, the smile made Tayui wonder what Eris was thinking. This small gesture seemed to fit the dark-furred woman, though; there wasn’t anything malicious about it. It just made sense to Tayui to see Eris acknowledge the other side of things.

Somewhat placated, Tayui asked another question: “what’s it like? If you don’t mind me asking.” She tilted her head slightly, hoping to mirror Eris’ crooked smile with a ‘smile’ of her own. [html]

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