Who are you? P / Aysun
OOC:// Sorry for the wait. v.v And this post sucks.

IC:// Aysun was curious and wanted to gain whatever knowledge she could from her new acquaintance. Akira, being a loner probably had an advantage of knowing all about the surrounding area. There was so much the brown coywolf didn't know, it was rather dangerous to be so naive. Upon mentioning her pack, Inferni, Aysun noticed the woman's demeanor change. Akira actually seemed to grow nervous. Aysun didn't understand. She had heard talk of Inferni not exactly being a likable bunch, but she didn't know the real truths and horror stories the other packs told about it. Aysun had no clue of the real history behind the place she chose to call home.

"I was told that inferni coyotes don't really get along with wolves." Aysun's ears perked. "Odd, I've heard that too..." She murmured. "I really don't see why though. I should probably ask and find out." She sighed, hating being so oblivious and new. She hated feeling so useless and so out of the loop. She really was just a child with nothing to her name. Accepting the rabbit Aysun smiled gratefully at the wolfess, not missing the caring look that passed over the larger femme's features. She didn't feel that she deserved such kindness from a stranger but took her offering and words to heart. "Your company is enough as a reward, lonely days carry loneliness with them." Aysun felt heat rise upon her cheeks in the form of a blush. Akira seemed to understand a lot more than she first thought. Aysun knew full well what it was liek to be a loner. "Thank you Akira... I think our new friendship will be invaluable to me. We won't have to truly be alone ever again..." Her tail wagged gently. So far, Aysun had been pleasantly surprised. These new lands had been the change she needed. She was making more friends than enemies now, and it felt good.

Sighing, aware of how long she'd been out wandering, the coywolf glanced back towards the borders. "I should probably get back. I don't want to be missed. I really shouldn't be out and about too much being so new." She told her new friend. "We shall have to meet again soon though... where and when I don't know, but I am sure I'll run into you again." Aysun grinned. "It's been a pleasure meeting you, and thank you again for this." She gestured to the rabbit. She was about to leave when a feeling overcame her and before she knew it she had turned back and was suddenly hugging Akira. Chuckling nervously Aysun turned and headed back towards Inferni lands with a small wave and a smile. She really hoped she would see her new friend again someday soon. "See ya Akira! Stay safe!" She called and slipped away into the brush.

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