Mighty Hunter
OOC:// Hiya. Smile

IC:// As the day drew on, Aysun in her explorations of Dampwoods had become hungry. Earlier in the day she had been scaring out and smelling all sorts of small animals, but the farther into the trees she got she found her luck failing. She growled softly to herself, traveling in Secui form. Her stomach growled softly in response and she glared at the offending organ. Tail lashing slowly she tried again to detect any source of food. Keeping her nose to the ground, ears swiveling she eventually picked up on the trail of a rabbit. Glancing up she spied the creature up ahead, crouched between some rocks, otherwise well camouflaged. She smirked. So far it hadn't seen her. Slipping behind a thicket of bushes she stalked silently towards her prey. She watched as the creature unknowingly took a little hop forward, nibbling some grass. Licking her maw she paused as it's ears lifted. Standing stock still, her paw lifted from the ground, she waited until the bunny relaxed before taking her chance.

With a snarl she leaped out and pounced the rabbit. With a shrill cry the animal crunched satisfyingly under her paws and went still. The sound echoed through the trees. Aysun gave a small sound of triumph in her throat and picked up the dead lagamorph in her powerful jaws and began to trot happily to a more secluded place to enjoy her meal. She settled at the base of a large tree. Tearing into the flesh, she felt her strength returning and her tail swayed slowly behind her. As she ate she let herself relax, she hadn't encountered a whole lot of trouble out here so she didn't expect it. But that didn't mean it wasn't out there. She kept one ear perked and tilted behind her as she ate, thinking only of finishing her meal and washing up afterwards. She was proud of her accomplishment, she wasn't about to let anything ruin that.

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