rooted fast to the earth

Word Count: 308

Melee grinned at her cousin and wagged her tail. Once the bouquet was safe, she would grab Eclipse up into a big hug. "Hey cousin! Happy Mabon to you!" she replied, wagging her tail. The last time that they had hung out was when they had found gardening tools in the old city. They would need to go on another adventure soon. Especially now that Range seemed to be more and more busy doing his own thing, she more often than not had to do things on her own. Hopefully he would at least make it to the family celebration, though. Else he would have to find some other pack members to eat with. That didn't sound like something that Range would do... but she hadn't seen him today. So for all she knew, he had forgotten about the Mabon feast entirely. Hopefully not, though, because the food smelled delicious. Then again, that would mean more food for her and the rest of the wolves in attendence!

Someone else came to the feast that she didn't know. A female. She thought that she might have seen the other wolf somewhere - perhaps at the Festival? - but couldn't place a name. Melee liked the pretty mobile that she had brought, though, and stared at it with interest. "Neat!" she said admiringly, watching the lights. It would be a great addition to their Mabon feast! That along with her bouquet added some prettiness to the room. They could observe it while they ate... if they ever ate. The smell of food was distracting her from admiring the beauty for too long. She looked over at Saul. "Any idea where my dad, stepmom and Range are?" she asked, knowing that those family members at least should still be on their way. Her stomach growled as if to accentuate her hunger.


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